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Ex Beauty Queen, Ibidunni Ighodalo Is Dead 💔



Popular event planner Ibidun Ighodalo, ex beauty queen and wife of Pastor Ituah Ighodalo, is dead.

The 39 year old mother of two died after suffering cardiac arrest this morning in her hotel room in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, where she went to work.

Ibidun the former face of Lux was the founder of Elizabeth R Events and The Ibidunni Ighodalo Foundation (IIF) a non-profit organization created to raise awareness on issues pertaining to infertility and to provide grants for couples that require fertility treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination.

She was married to Pastor Ituah Ighodalo Senior Pastor of Trinity House Church for 13 years and was to mark her 40th birthday on July 19, 2020

Condolence Register for the late Ibidunni Ighodalo

Our heart goes out to the Ighodalos and the Ajayis, may her soul rest in peace.💔

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