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Actress, Lilian Esoro Gives Us ‘Hot, Hot’ šŸ”„With Birthday Shoot



Actress, Lilian Esoro was a year older on March 9 and to celebrate her birthday, she shared these new beautiful photos with her fans and well-wishers.

Rocking some pieces from Erica Moore, a Nigerian designer, Lilian gives us ‘hot, hot’ like she likes to say.

Check out her sultry snippet and more photos from her birthday shoot!


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You know itā€™s the Money year and we always serve it Hot Hot. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ Here is a teaser of what went down. Major shoutout to my Creative Director Extraordinaire @bibyonce who always thinks outside the box. Everyone who worked with me on this under such short notice. I say thank you. Baddest hands in the game. @bibyonce @ericamoorebrand @medlinboss @ujufanta Youā€™re the best! Thanks. Canā€™t wait for yā€™all to see the magic we made. But for now enjoy this as I count down to my birthday. March9th. šŸ’žšŸ’ž Hair by @liocaofficial Shoot location @liocaofficial Hair styled by @liocaofficial Nails by @liocaofficial Makeup by @bibyonce Video edited and shot by @bibyonce

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